Become a member of Afrimuhere
Our membership is open to heritage professionals working in museums, universities, heritage sites, heritage communities and in the contemporary arts and sciences. Volunteers in museums, galleries and heritage sites, full-time students looking to enter the sector, artists, heritage bearers and custodians, retired professionals, and friends and trustees of museums are also welcome to join.
AFRIMUHERE Recruitment Brochure - English
AFRIMUHERE Recruitment Brochure - French
Membership Fees
Membership Form
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New Membership form 2024-2025
In joining AFRIMUHERE, this member agrees to support African natural and cultural heritage and promote the return and restitution to communities in countries of origin on the African continent. As a member of AFRIMUHERE, this member agrees to support heritage sites, heritage communities, museums, universities and cultural centres on the continent for such ethical restitutions for future generations.
En adhérant à AFRIMUHERE, ce membre accepte de soutenir le patrimoine naturel et culturel africain et de promouvoir le retour et la restitution aux communautés des pays d’origine sur le continent africain. En tant que membre d’AFRIMUHERE, ce membre accepte de soutenir les sites patrimoniaux, les communautés patrimoniales, les musées, les universités et les centres culturels sur le continent en vue de telles restitutions éthiques pour les générations futures.